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Hold your ground this eclipse season


This article is from my monthly column in Supernal Magazine, September/October 2024 edition

Woman holding Libran scales of balance with full moon in background
No more Mr Nice Guy as we wrap up a series of eclipses and nodal transits across Libra and Aries

In a series of eclipses and north and south node transits across the Aries and Libra axis from 2023 to 2025, we’re up-levelling how we assertively and diplomatically hold our ground as we release outdated interpersonal patterns.  

This quest takes us another step on 3 October as we experience the final of four eclipses in 2024, with a partial solar eclipse in Libra that helps us release more dead wood when it comes to being overly-peacekeeping with others to the detriment of self. 

The Aries and Libra axis is about the self and its projection out into the world, and the adjustments we make in facing and relating to others. This is the ‘me’ and ‘we’ axis, so our approach to relatedness is changing through this timeframe at personal and collective levels, erring towards positive development of our Aries energy. 


The Libran new moon eclipse may have us feeling as if we’re walking a tight rope to keep others happy as we try to follow the rules without being pushed around. It could demand we confront problems head-on and stand up for ourselves, as diplomatically as possible in true Libran style.  


This annular or ‘ring of fire’ solar eclipse will be visible from parts of South America, the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, and Antarctica. Regardless of whether we lay eyes on it, the psychological and spiritual effects are valid for all in astrological understanding, especially if our natal chart is activated by aspects to the eclipse sign and degree. 


Eclipses represent diving into the shadow to shine light on subconscious parts of self. If we choose, we can clock what emerges and take responsibility to stop projecting disowned parts of self onto the world around us.  


Karmic nodes 

The series of Aries and Libra eclipses began in April 2023 and wraps up in March 2025. These eclipses occur alongside the movement of the moon’s north node through Aries and south node through Libra between July 2023 and January 2025.  


The moon's nodes are points in space calculated from the position of the sun, moon, and Earth. When a new or full moon occurs near the nodes, eclipses happen and bring great change in the signs they occur in, adding to the transformational power of the nodes. 


The nodes of the moon shift into a new sign axis every 18 months or so, developing us in the future oriented energy of the north node as we release the outdated expression and karma of its counterpart south node sign. 


In both lunar and solar eclipses, the sun and the moon do not need to be on the exact point of the moon's nodes, but just close enough for their light to be partially blocked.  

That is why when the nodes are close to switching signs, we still experience eclipses in the signs the nodes are not yet in or that they recently exited. This means we have seen eclipses in the Aries and Libra eclipse cycle fall into Taurus and Scorpio in the earlier stages, and Virgo and Pisces as we move towards the next cycle.  

We had a Pisces lunar eclipse on 18 September, an emotionally sensitive and intuitive energy from our deep oceans of self. It may show us where we have been too self sacrificing or where we are invited to embrace further spiritual surrender and compassion for self, others, and life. 

This Pisces eclipse complements the wider Aries and Libra themes by helping us reflect on how we can better advocate for ourselves and look after our own needs, while also being there for others. 


Practice makes perfect 


Our playing ground has been rife with opportunities to balance Aries assertiveness and Libran compromise through the last few years, with many polarising topics and events in our world. 


With humanity in the throes of moving into a new era of higher consciousness as part of a macro galactic cycle of evolution, the current Aries and Libra shifts are helping us transcend rigidly dualistic positions to find more balance. 


As we move towards the end of this Aries and Libra eclipse cycle and nodal transits, we find ourselves more self aware and able to balance the two. The tweaking, agitating and resultant balancing of the Aries and Libra axis within ourselves and the collective helps us peacefully stand our ground.  


The energies of each sign in an axis always support and call forth one another as an inseparable pair. We can’t do Aries well without embracing Libran qualities and vice versa. 




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