This article is from my monthly column in Supernal Magazine, July/August 2024 edition

Dwarf planet Sedna - named after the Inuit goddess of the sea ruined by her father and husband - knows how to find the true jewel of Self at the bottom of the ocean, and is strongly present now in our skies to guide us.
On a vast 11,400 year journey around the sun, Sedna will next be at her closest point to Earth in 50 years – a snip in her cycle! The last time she was so close was when many believe Atlantis sank around 11,000 - 12,000 years ago, plunging humanity into a relative cycle of separation consciousness.
New story
Since mid-2023, Sedna has been more prominent in our psyches in her gradual move into Gemini, where she stays from April 2024 until 2067. When a planet with a huge orbit changes signs, as happens more frequently the closer it comes to Earth, there is a profound impact on human consciousness.
Now in the earliest degrees of storyteller Gemini after 58 years in Taurus, Sedna is making several flowing air trines to transformational Pluto in future-minded Aquarius. This is helping us rewrite our foundational stories of Self and further unlock the wisdom gained across lifetimes.
The next exact air trine is on 17 July when Sedna at zero degrees of Gemini harmonises with Pluto at zero degrees of Aquarius. Sedna again trines Pluto on 10 December, then a couple more times in 2025.
Myth of Sedna

There are several versions of Sedna’s origin story, each dreadful.
A well known version is that she disappointed her father by refusing to marry. She eventually agreed to wed a handsome man who said he would provide generously on his Arctic island. Turned out he was a demonic petrel bird that tricked, deprived and abused her.
Her father found out and came to bring her home. On the return kayak journey, the husband’s wrath raised a storm and to save himself, Sedna’s father threw her overboard. When she tried to climb back in, he cut off her fingers and she sank in the icy water, unable to help herself.
Her severed fingers became the creatures of the sea, representing the powers of abundant creativity and self-sufficiency that were always there and only brought forth by challenge.
After physical death, her angry and grief-stricken spirit lived at the bottom of the ocean. When sea food was scarce in Inuit cultures it was believed to be Sedna’s will, and the most fearless and powerful shamans would descend through horrifying places in consciousness to find and soothe her by combing her hair, which she could not do herself.

If utmost tenderness and compassion was applied, Sedna might release food to hunters. If not, she was dangerous to the shaman and the hungry people. This speaks to how much love, respect and fearlessness is required to approach the wounded feminine at such levels to engage in healing.
Unintegrated Sedna energy carries deep submerged anger, feelings of powerlessness, and bitterness from betrayal. Mental health dangers lurk in these waters, where we can encounter latent destructive seeds born of separation consciousness.
These float in the darkest recesses of our creative well and seek manifestation, so finding and balancing them is important for wellbeing.
We now have a breath of fresh air reaching the depths of the icy subconscious to help us process ideas of who we are born of ancient patterns of trauma. The element of air aids our metaphoric deep sea dive with less risk of nitrogen narcosis, the deadly diver’s state of befuddlement.
Healing and integration of what Sedna represents brings an evolution of compassion and resilience towards ourselves and others, and leads us to find more of the power within.
Unity era
Sedna is very present in our patch of the galaxy at a key point in a macro cycle called the Grand Precessional Cross, presented by the late astronomer and astrologer Nick Anthony Fiorenza. This cycle sees us seemingly separate then reunify feminine and masculine energies to evolve consciousness using creative contrast.
As we now return to face the galactic heart once more in a spiritual homecoming after 12,000 or so years of experiencing separation consciousness – possibly since the fall of Atlantis - Sedna’s return to the Earth coincides with our rise into unity for those souls ready to choose it.